Lego Birthday Party


What seven year old little boy isn’t into Lego’s? Mine is crazy for them, so naturally, my son had to have a Lego birthday party. For Landen’s 7th Birthday Party, I focused on bold colors as an underlying foundation. I usually try and not spend to much time or money at party stores for my kid’s birthday parties. For this particular theme, I was able to buy a lot of my party supplies at the Dollar Store, believe it or not. I purchased red and yellow cups, napkins, red eating utensils, and Lego themed plates from there. I was also able to find generic Lego figures, a bunch of generic Lego’s, bold colored paper grass, and Lego themed plastic cups from the Dollar Store as well.

Among the items that I already listed that I purchased from the Dollar Store, I was lucky enough to find minor little things that brought the party to a completion. Glow stick rings, poster bored paper, miniature containers, candy containers, plastic wrap, balloons, yellow balloon string, and candy. I made a couple of the items to put into a goody bags for the kids. Using about ten generic Lego packs that I bought, I opened them and mixed up the colors. After mixing them all up, I evenly divided them up between about eight zip lock bags and then stapled a header to the top of them. With the plastic Lego cups, I filled them up with candy, and miscellaneous prize toys as party favors. To finalize my cups, I wrapped them up with clear wrap and tied yellow balloon string with Lego font tags saying, “Thanks,” for his guests. I found and printed the tags online, for free, using google. I had paper bags set out with the children’s names who RSVP’d to put their goodies into. It’s more fun for the kids when they get to put their little gifts into their own bag.

I printed all of my letters and table tags using Lego Thick font, this font was not already installed with my word. I had to google it and download it into my word; it was tedious, but way worth it, as you can see, it made all the difference for his Lego themed decorations; I also did this for for free as well. For his banner, I printed large yellow letters out at size 500. I then printed out a second set of the same letters at size 450 on white paper to glue on top of the yellow letters. I cut a regular sized construction paper in half and used these as the Lego blocks and connected each block to the other using yellow balloon string a hole puncher. With six big dots that I had my older kids help me cut out, I taped those down with thick double sided tape, that I also bought from the Dollar Store. The thick tape helped give the dots the illusion that they were large Lego’s.

I decorated the candy table, well….of course with candy! I borrowed some of my younger son’s bigger Lego blocks and used them as table decorations and then again later for one of the games. I used my son, Landen’s Lego cases as decorations as well. I didn’t feel comfortable using his actual Lego’s as props because they’re small, easy to lose, and very pricey; it just wasn’t worth it to me. Although I did bring them out for ONE game and then packed them back up and took them into the house right afterwards.

For my table centerpieces, I used 12 X 12 Lego sheets as mats. With previous owned Dollar Store vases, I filled them up with colored papered grass and shoved homemade signs and Lego’s on dowels in them. I printed out the Lego signs and glued Dollar Store generic Lego figures and Lego sheets to dowel’s (round sticks). Around my vases, I sprinkled large Lego’s to add more charm. Luckily for us, we own a table and chair business, so when it comes to tables, chairs, and table cloths, we already have that covered!

For our center of attention, I made a photo booth area by creating a backdrop for guests to take cute pictures. While creating this backdrop, I used a backdrop stand, curtains, boxes, wrapping paper, balloon tape and balloons. I also made two large Lego figures using construction paper and poster board. I mainly used two large green, red, and yellow construction paper from the Dollar Store, I also bought my poster bored there too. I googled a picture of a simple Lego figure and tried my best to replicate it, but larger. After cutting out all of my shapes for my large Lego figures, I used Elmer’s Glue and evenly smeared it on the back of my cut outs and attached them to the poster board to help them stand up, I used poster board as the stand as well. When it comes to gluing, pour your glue onto a paper plate or some other object, if you pour the glue directly onto the construction paper, it will cause it to wrinkle up and make ripples. This also happens when using a hot glue gun.

I made my balloon garland at home using several bags of balloons, balloon tape and a balloon pump. After pumping up all of my balloons (around 100-120 balloons-depends on how big and full you want your garland) I started to pop them through the balloon garland. You can find balloons and balloon garland at Target, Hobby Lobby or on Amazon. I purchased mine from Amazon. I tied my balloon garland to my backdrop stand, making one side longer than the other. For my backdrop cloth, I used previously owned curtains and just slipped them onto my backdrop as you would a curtain rod. To fulfill my backdrop vision, I wrapped boxes up (mainly Amazon and diaper boxes) with bold colored wrapping paper and cut out circles and thick double sided tape again. For these boxes, I quadroopled the double sided sticky tape to make it raise the circles farther out.

Under our awning, I used plastic tablecloths and streamers, (Dollar Store). I pinned the tablecloths wider at the awning corners and met them all up i the top center. Between the tablecloths, I strung streamers to fill in the gaps. In the middle of the awning, I hung Landen’s Pinata. We didn’t have any luck finding a Lego Pinata, so we bought a plain Pinata and stapled a Lego paper plate to both sides of the Pinata.

For entertainment, we had a jumper and large Lego’s, that we rented from party rental business. We also had the pinata, and a couple games. I filled up a miniature clear round glass with a bunch of yellow Lego’s; we walked around the children with the glass and had them guess and write how many Lego’s were in the glass. For another game, we placed the large Lego’s on the ground and had the kids play ring toss with the bracelet glow in the dark sticks. Our last game was a Lego building challenge. This is where I brought out his bucket of Lego’s for a little bit and had the kids build an animal within ten minutes; all of the adults were the judges and critiqued them on which was best. The best built animal won!

All in all, he party was another success and Landen had a blast! Everything turned out so great and looked adorable and according to the theme! Hope you enjoyed and could take some cute suggestions and ideas from this piece of reading; have a great day!

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