Galentines Party


My fourteen year old is like most fourteen year old little girls; one who loves food, good times, gossip, and friends. For Valentines, I threw Aaliyah a little Galentine’s Party; what’s a better way to make sure your daughter has a good time with good friends, opposed to having Valentines Day on a date……..without her girlfriends. Let’s just say, they’re was a lot of pink, candy and In N Out involved.

For your daughter, niece, close friend or any other loved one, surprise her just as her friends will be surprised; it’s so satisfying hearing them in awe with shock and surprise as they walk in as a group. Aaliyah had a basketball game at school the night of her Galentine’s Party. I dropped her and her friends off there while I went home and decorated. Prior to the day of her party I went shopping for several items that I needed for the night, that way I was well prepared and didn’t waste any time during the couple hours that I had to decorate, shopping. I mainly bought items of all different shades of pink and red, I mean come on, whats Valentine’s without pink and red?

Luckily, it’s simple enough for us when it comes to making a party beautiful with tables and chairs, because we own a table and chair business. With the foundation set, I simply set out the number of settings per friend using pink paper plates, with an underlying, different colored paper plate as a charger to give it dimension. I have a number of chargers on hand, so I used a second charger as well, but one is plenty if you don’t already have chargers. (A charger a plate like object that you set under your plate for food as decoration. For an example, in my photos, the silver mats under the plates are chargers.) With white balloon string, I tied a bow around pink, plastic, eating utensils and set that on the side of cute little decorated cupcakes that I had baked earlier that day.

For the center pieces, I used a red tinsel door curtain and taped it into a circle shape onto the ceiling above the center of the table. Following that, I also taped a cute little heart banner. You can find these for just a couple of dollars at either Target, Wal-Mart, or a party store. On that table, I staged a mini candy bar for the girls to eat. I used different candy that came in red and pink to stay within my theme. For some final details, I cut hearts out of felt fabric and used pretty pearl beaded stems and set them in the middle of the table to complete my look.

Earlier on during the week prior to the party, Aaliyah and I had went shopping for a few cute gifts to give to her girlfriends for Valentines Day. The gift was anything extravagant, but the gesture was cute and the thought was there! The gift consisted of several pampering items: a cutely wrapped soap bar, loofah sponge, some Dove and Lindt candy bars, and of course a personalized card.

My youngest son had to be apart of the fun!!!

The girls had a blast, they stayed up talking, laughing, and sharing stories with each other. Although, I had a little bit of a mess to clean up in the morning while they all slept in from their long night, it was worth it and they now have a great Galentine’s Party to remember, forever!

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