Marvel, Avengers Birthday Party


Everyone in this household are pretty big Marvel fans!! We all love the movies and adore the characters even more. My, now 5 year old, son’s bedroom is Avengers themed-its adorable!! I figured that it would be fitting to make his 5th Birthday Party Marvel, Avengers at least once prior to him growing out of the phase; everything looked so stinkin’ cute and it was a blast.

For the main center piece, I used a 7 foot metal circle balloon arch that I purchased off of Amazon for about $100.00. On that, I used a black, fitted backdrop and a giant spiders web that I also purchased from Amazon. I pinned a huge, life sized Spider-Man balloon to the backdrop and made a city like scene out of foam board and white cut outs for the windows. This made a great photo backdrop and later on through out the party it became a cute gift spot.

Throughout the house and the backyard I had several little areas with theme like tables and decor. I had a mini table set up with Thor’s Hammer on top of some crumbled up brown packing paper, making it look like it was on top of a rock. In the backyard I had a table with a themed colored Marvel balloon arch and I also made table centerpieces to distribute throughout the tables as well.

March is always a hard month to plan a party, that is if you’re debating on it being an outdoor party. It was a bit breezy and the sun popped most of the balloon arch before I could get a good picture of how it truly looked like. These pictures definitely don’t do the party justice; it really was a cute turn out prior to the weather doing a number on the backyard decor.

To tie everything together, I made several yummy desserts that were themed appropriate! I tried for the first time making sugar cookies that my girlfriend helped me frost, they came out pretty cute and were a great addition to the dessert table.

The kids were kept occupied with a Spider-Man jumper house, a Marvel themed bean toss game, a pinata, and a giant outdoor Connect-Four game. To make a themed party more fun, you can ask your guests to dress up according to the theme! My kids and I all wore Avengers T-Shirts, but you could definitely get away with having the kiddos wear Avenger costumes.

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