Blogging as a brand spankin’ New Blogger!!!


Blogging is pretty easy, per se, but very intimidating when it comes to the sharing it with the internet. I’m pretty fresh to blogging and was really excited to start! I had been overthinking it for a super long time now and decided to go through with it. I researched numerous sites and other blogs to see how it actually worked and realized that it wasn’t as easy as sharing journal entries with the internet world. After biting the bullet and purchasing a host, I researched and visited more than several other blogs to the point where my head was going to burst!! All of these other blogs that I read focused on explaining how to get a blog up…. not so much on how to get it up and running!!! All of these posts that I read made it seem so simple and fast. Sure!!! It was simple and fast to sign up and make the payment, but after that point everything became a big blur. There’s so much more to blogging than just writing, there’s the legal aspect of it, the what to do’s and what not to do’s, then there’s all of the blog lingo such as plugins, coding, widgets, algorithms, and acronyms. If you’re anyone like me, you’ll end up with a huge headache staring back and forth from your phone and computer screen googling how and what to do next once you made your blog. Although it’s still a trial and error, a lot of research and a ton of hard work, it’s fun, enjoyable, and worth everything that you put into it. As I become more familiar with the ins and outs, it’s becoming more and more smooth with every passing day. As a new blogger at this point, I will say that blogging can and most likely will be scary and frustrating; there is so much more to blogging other than just typing and posting, but if you have a passion and want to share that passion with the world, please do so. Just take my bit of advice and do your share in researching (google) and reading other’s blogs prior to starting or publishing your own. Hard work always pays off and once you get the hang of it, it becomes more fun than anything!!

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