Mushroom Toppings


Okay, so you’re either someone who really loves mushrooms, or someone who despises mushrooms all together. Of course growing up, like most children, mushrooms were not on my favorites list. But today…… I love mushrooms; they go perfectly with a nice piece of meat! (or just to eat by themselves.) I’m going to assume that most of you have been to Texas Road House, if you have not yet been, GO!! You’re missing out. Whenever I go, I pick between my favorite dishes there, my to go to meal is, chicken breast with loaded mushrooms-hold the onions. A couple of other places I love to get mushrooms topped onto my main course meal is Olive Garden and La Bella. DELISH!!

I’m no La Bella or Texas Roadhouse, but I have tried to come up with my own mushroom recipe for my home dishes. I enjoy more of the salty tastes that you get from La Bella and Texas Road House, but the recipe that I came up with gives off a more sweet, caramelized taste, which gets the job done for my taste buds, just as well.

Now, if you’re on a diet or one who extremely watches what you eat, this is probably not the recipe for you, but you will be missing out if you chose to turn the other way on this. For this recipe you will need:

  • Mushrooms
  • Garlic Cloves
  • Brown Sugar
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Garlic Salt (optional)
that caramelized effect

I start off by slicing my mushrooms and garlic cloves, use the desired amount according to the amount of people who will be indulging in this meal. I usually use 1-2 of the bigger garlic cloves and a store bought crate of mushrooms. After slicing up your mushrooms and garlic cloves, throw enough olive oil into your pan to where your mushrooms are fully covered in it. Next, I usually use 1/3 cup of Brown sugar, but add as little or as much as your taste buds request. Then sprinkle in salt and pepper and stir until your mushrooms look nice and golden brown. With the brown sugar in the mix, this will create a caramelized, bubbly look-mouth watering! If you don’t have or want to use garlic cloves, you can substitute the garlic cloves for garlic salt. After your mushrooms are done and put into a serving dish, taste one and if it’s not to sweet, salty, or spicy enough for you, you can add a little in the serving dish to meet your desired taste without it ruining the dish. Voila!! Mushroom Toppings. Try it out and please leave me your opinion 😁🤤

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