Mom Life

Blessing the world with beautiful children makes me a mom,
but what I do as a mom defines what kind of mother I am.

How many of you mamas feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and constantly on the go? How about, at times, underappreciated, misunderstood, and walked all over? Gotta love that mom life!! If any of those describe how you feel from time to time, you’re not alone. I’m a stay at home mom, a mom of a teenage young lady, a pre-teen girl, a seven year old young man who’s trying to figure out how much he can get away with, a two year old little boy discovering his voice, and a one year old baby girl who always wants to sit on my hip regardless of what I’m doing. Let’s just say, spare time is slim to none with me. With that said, us mommies still, somehow, find time to tackle all of those side mommy jobs, aside from being the everyday mom. I mean, painting kid’s rooms, keeping up with the house, school projects and all other things that pertain to school activities, sleep overs, sports, school shopping……. I could literally go on all night, these are just to list a slice of what we challenge on a daily basis . But, what keeps us going? This all sounds like a form of torture, why do we do these things, and in most cases, find enjoyment in doing so. It’s “them!!” We have no problem in being that person because of the love that comes with being their mom. It’s just so unreal and un-explainable, you know that feeling mamas.

Prior to having a million kids, I used to see women walk around in yoga pants and cute sweater gym shirts or tank tops and wonder, do these chicks actually go to the gym when they wear gym clothes or did they just decide to wear the cutest comfiest clothes they own to deceive all of us, now I understand!!! I take and pick up my kids to and from school, THREE different schools that is (elementary, middle and high school), load up two babies while doing so, spend the day with my two little ones until it’s time to pick my other kids up from school, my two year old has speech therapy sessions twice a week, (read more on that found, ________ ) I find time to engage with them after school, then of course there’s homework, chores and dinner. This is just a brief insight on what a day with Genevieve looks like; you can imagine how crucial yoga pants and a gym top is. I wake up, shower and then basically put jammies back on to start my day all over again. Wamp wamp…. I know, I know. It sounds like I’m ranting….okay, maybe just a little.

The crazy thing is, I complain throughout the day on how I’m doing the kids chores, how exhausted I am from hanging out with babies all day, how I’m fixing this or doing that with no help, or how I hate driving back and forth from three different schools, but as that all may sound, at the end of the day I am just so grateful and truly blessed. I am not able to get my nails done twice a month or feel up to fixing my hair and doing my make up everyday, but I love my life. I love my life most because I have them! My children have made my life more valuable and gave me much more reason to be the best person that I can possibly be. I’m no where near that perfect mom, not by a long shot, but I try and be the best that I can be for them so I can deliver the best of me to them.

As a mother, I personally feel, that if you are not a mom, you will never understand where I’m coming from. We don’t get sick days, we don’t get to sleep in, and most of all, we don’t get to ever put ourselves first. Being a mom is almost like being a Super Hero; we are always there for them, we always feel empathy for them, we try to never show them our hurt or pain because we don’t want to put that off on them, we never judge them and we want the world for them no matter what. Us mama’s don’t always get it right and that’s okay for the most part; we’re just as imperfect as you are, so please keep that in mind prior to judging one another. So while we are all on different levels at mommin it, know that we are all dealing with different reasons for why we are the mom that we are. Some mom’s are dealing with emotional pain, some mom’s bit off more than they could chew, some mom’s are dealing with harder than usual situations when it comes to their children, while other mom’s are running on fumes.

I love how when I am at a grocery store and another women says to me, “I remember those days,” or “It’s tough now, but one day you’ll miss this.” These moments are the greatest! It lets me know that I am not alone and other women truly have been here….kids crying, begging for toys and candy, bickering back and forth, running to the next aisle while I’m stuck in another one with one of the babies….. Come on, I’m sure you know this feeling. Then there are those who give you that look, you know what look I’m talking about, the look as if you have it all wrong, the, “get your kids under control look.” Ignore those looks!!! Your kids are kids, and they’re your kids!!

Just be the best you for them!

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